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Dean's message

"Caring for 50 Years, Opening the Next 100 Years Together"

Leading a Sustainable Health Society – Chungnam National University College of Nursing

Welcome to College of Nursing, Chungnam National 

Since its establishment in 1970, Chungnam National University College of Nursing has nurtured globally competent nursing professionals equipped with compassion, intellect, and exceptional skills, solidifying its reputation as a prestigious nursing college. It has played a pivotal role in nursing education, research, and practice, contributing significantly to the development of nursing both nationally and internationally.

Elevated to a College of Nursing in 2009, the institution operates a Bachelor of Nursing program accredited by the Korean Accreditation Board of Nursing Education. Through its graduate programs in Nursing, Clinical and Advanced Practice Nursing, and Nursing Education, it has been dedicated to cultivating the next generation of nursing scholars and producing expert nurses. Moreover, the college has been recognized for its excellence as a hub for nursing education and research by successfully completing the BK21 PLUS project in 2016 and the BK21 FOUR project in 2020.

Building on its 50-year history and tradition, Chungnam National University College of Nursing is poised to embrace the era of digital innovation in the 21st century. It is actively responding to the evolving needs of both domestic and global communities and striving to create new values in health and nursing.

We kindly invite your interest and support as Chungnam National University College of Nursing embarks on its proud journey toward the next 100 years of growth in partnership with the community.

Myonghwa Park, PhD, RN, GAPRN, FAAN

Dean, College of Nursing